1. The journal
GyvulininkystÄ— (Animal Husbandry) welcomes papers reporting the latest
results of research, previously unpublished with the exception of short
communications, parts of lectures or reviews. Each paper should be subject
to two scientific reviews and be approved by the Editorial Board, review
articles may also be submitted, if ordered by the Editorial Board.
2. Manuscripts may be submitted in Lithuanian, English or Russian.
3. Manuscripts and their appendices should be computer typewritten in
double-line spacing on A4 size white paper, submitted in duplicate and
accompanied by a diskette in WinWord 6.0 or 7.0 (illustration file format
tif, pcx or xls). Manuscripts should not exceed 16 pages including tables
and illustrations. The width of margins should be 2 cm at the top, 2.5 cm at
the bottom and 2.5 cm on the right- and left-hand sides.
4. Manuscripts should conform to the requirements for a high-rank scientific
paper. If authors express disagreement with the principal comments of the
reviewers, explanations in written form should be sent to the Editorial
Board. Contributions from other scientific institutions in conformity with
the areas of animal husbandry will be accepted, provided the papers were
submitted for consideration at the scientific subdivision or department of
the institution.
5. Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order: title
of the paper; name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s); name, institution at
which the work was performed; abstract; introduction; materials and methods;
results and discussion; conclusions; references; summaries in English and
Russian, keywords should follow the abstract.
6. Each table should be compiled on a separate sheet, numbered, described by
a title and translated supplementary into English, if the manuscript is not
in English. The same material should not normally be presented in tables and
illustrations. The text should be written in Lithuanian and English, and
Russian text in Russian and English.
7. The originals of illustrations should be enclosed in an envelope with the
author’s name and title of the paper indicated on it. Illustrations should
be compact and fit for polygraphic reproduction.
8. Publications are cited in the text by indicating their current number for
the list of references in square brackets (e. g., [6]). The reference list
should be arranged in alphabetical order in original spelling by indicating
the title, publication, volume, etc. It is recommended to include in the
list of references no less than 10 and no more than 30 publications cited in
the text. Citation of the latest publications should be presented,
exceptions being made only for the most important older ones. Scientific
reports, text books, conference abstracts, reference books, commercial
booklets and newspapers are not acceptable for the reference list as well as
manuscript material. Abbreviations should not be used for the titles of
journals, proceedings of conferences and other publications issued abroad.
9. Authors' signatures should be at the end of the paper and its second
checked proofs.
10. Authors' contact phone numbers should be indicated