ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. P.
UDK 636.1.082
Rūta Šveistienė
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
All available genetic potential of horses should be used to widen the
heterozygosis of the Lithuanian Heavy Draught horse breed. Therefore, the aim of
our investigation was to evaluate the stallions chosen for the development of
the new line in order to stop the disappearing of the genealogical structure of
the Lithuanian Heavy Draught breed. According to the expedition plans, the data
on horse parentage have been collected, typical horses found and assessed by
measuring and complex evaluating.
The genealogical analysis of Gandras 0697 line progeny indicated that there
might be found five generations and, thus, the genealogical group of these
horses may be looked upon as a separate and individual line. The genealogical
analysis of the progeny shows that 30% of breeding horses were obtained by
inbreeding, the average inbreeding coefficient being 6.6%. The stallions of
Gandras 0697 line are of a desirable type and body conformation. The selected
typical stallions will be included in the general programme for Lithuanian Heavy
Draught horse breeding. It is suggested to breed the horses by circular mating
scheme, thus preserving their genealogical structure.
Keywords: horses, generations, body measurements, correlation, inbreeding
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. P.
UDK 636.1.082
Valė Macijauskienė
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
Objective evaluation of inborn biological and farming qualities of the horse
takes a very important place in the selection system of the horse.
Evaluation analysis of the biological and farming qualities of Žemaitukai horses
from 1928 till 2006 indicated that the methods for evaluation of the working
abilities of the Žemaitukai horse should be further improved, especially having
in mind the experience of the neighbouring European countries in this area. The
contemporary evaluation system for the Žemaitukai horse is efficient in
selection of horses by their parentage, type, body conformation and
constitution, body measurements, disposition and movements, yet it loses its
effectiveness and objectiveness at evaluation of the inborn working abilities of
young horses. The results of the competitions in the years 2001-2004 were highly
influenced by the skills of riders and external conditions. Prior to entering
stud books at the age of 3-3.5 years, young Žemaitukai stallions and mares
should be evaluated according to the complex of traita as usual and have initial
simple yet compulsory evaluation to determine their working abilities.
Stud horses of 4 or over 4 years of age should be tested in at least two (out of
four) events: jump show, flat race, figure riding or long distance race for
endurance evaluation.
It is expected that the improved system in evaluation of the biological and
farming qualities of the Žemaitukai horse would be beneficial to horse raising
and training, presentation and development of the unique traits of the horse,
objective horse selection and efficient data processing.
Keywords: Žemaitukai breed, evaluation methods, working abilities, selection
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. P.
UDK 636.3.082
Birutė Zapasnikienė
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
Reproduction data from the years 2002-2006 of indigenous Lithuanian coarsewooled
sheep kept at the LVA Institute of Animal Science were used in the study. Sheep
were pure bred by circular mating scheme. Ewes were allotted into 4 groups of 8
to 9 ewes each and every group was serviced by a non-related ram. Ewes were
mated once a year in October. In all groups ewes dropped around 2 lambs each.
However, barrenness of ewes mated to Redis accounted for 22%, and 20.7% of lambs
were stillborn. The highest growth rate was noted for the progeny of Rabekis and
ewes mated to Banrokas were most fertile. Meanwhile, the litter size of the
first lambing had no influence on further fertility of ewes. Besides, the number
of ram's siblings and weight also had no significant effect on ewe reproduction
and progeny weight. The most intensive growth was determined for the lambs of
Būgis and Rabekis. Significant weight differences at 20, 60, 135 days and 12
months of age between contemporaries of different groups were from 0.93 to 6.40
Keywords: rams, ewes, reproduction, fertility, growth rate
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. p.
UDK 636.2.082
Vidmantas Pileckas, Jonas Kutra, Rasa Nainienė, Artūras Šiukščius, Algirdas
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
Bovine semen with the spermatozoa motility not lower than 7 points and
concentration no less than 0.8 milliards / cm3 was used in the study. Stable
temperature of -150±50C was maintained at freezing and controlled by electronic
thermometers TE-200M and ST-200. After semen collecting and evaluating, one part
of it was diluted with 32±10C extender to have no less than 15 milliard motile
spermatozoa after freezing-thawing. Another part was diluted at a rate of 1:1 at
32±10C and, right afterwards it was diluted with 19±10C extender to the final
sperm concentration. Extenders of 27±10C, 25±10C and 20±10C were also used for
semen dilution at a rate of 1:1 and for the second dilution 19±10C extender were
used. Repeated semen dilution resulted in by 45.5% (P < 0.001) higher post-thaw
motility of spermatozoa, 2.5 times higher motility after 5 h exposure at 32±10C,
81.2% (P < 0.001) higher absolute survival rate, and 18.9% (P < 0.001) higher
survival in comparison with single dilution. It has been found that the first
semen dilution with 32±10C extender and the second with 19±10C extender had
70.6±1.1% spermatozoa with damaged membranes. When dilution was carried out with
27±10C, 25±10C and 20±10C extenders, the corresponding figures were,
respectively, 77.6±0.5, 69.8±2.5 and 64.8±0.9%. Starting from semen collection,
cooling and equilibrium for 4 hours, the percentage of spermatozoa with intact
membranes has increased by 20, 12.6, 14.4 and 27.4% when semen was diluted with,
respectively, 32±10C, 27±10C, 25±10C and 20±10C extenders compared with the
membrane integrity after semen collection (86.2±0.9%).
Keywords: semen, dilution, temperature, bulls, motility
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2006, 48, p.
UDK 636.5.082
Robertas Juodka1), Audronė Benediktavičiūtė-Kiškienė1),
Dalius Butkauskas2) and Aniolas Sruoga2,3)
1Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
2Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University
3Vytautas Magnus University
Five pairs of microsatellite primers (GUJ0017, GUJ0023, GUJ0063, GUJ0084,
GUJ0086) specific to gallinaceae were used to investigate the genetic diversity
of four initial lines of laying hens and two crosses of large type turkeys.
The pair of microsatellite primers GUJ0023 was noted as inter specific. In all
chicken lines and in turkeys, DNA fractions amplified with this primer were
monomorphic and, respectively, of 500 and 700 base pair size. The microsatellite
primer GUJ0017 was found suitable for the studies of interspecific and
intraspecific genetic diversity. Two and one DNA fractions (100 and 130, and 120
base pairs) were amplified in, respectively, male (A and B lines) and female (C
and D lines) line chickens. Two DNA fractions of 120 and 140, and 110 and 130
base pair size were amplified in, respectively, turkeys BIG-6 and BUT-9. The
microsatellite primer GUJ0084 was found suitable for the investigation of
intraspecific genetic diversity between chicken line B and the remaining lines,
and also for the studies of intraspecific diversity between turkey crosses and
studies of interspecific genetic diversity.
Key words: chickens, turkeys, specific microsatellite primers
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. P.
UDK 636.4.083
Remigijus Juška, Violeta Juškienė
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
The purpose of the study was to investigate the growth of pigs in a pigsty with
a regulated microenvironment and in outdoor enclosures with the solid ground.
140 Lithuanian White, German Landrace and Pietrain [(LW x GL) x P] as well as
Lithuanian White, German Landrace and Duroc [(LW x GL) x D] crossbred pigs were
used in the study. Two feeding trials were carried out in May-July and
August-October by allotment of pigs into two (control and experimental) groups.
Control pigs were raised in 18 m2 area pens in the pigsty. Experimental pigs
were raised in 23 m2 area outdoors enclosures and fitted 13.7 m2 area shades.
The study indicated that air temperature was a factor of importance when raising
pigs outdoors. In Trial 1, when the air temperature outdoors was high, pigs
gained 17.5% less weight and at the end of the trial the average pig weight was
7,18 kg (P = 0.014) lower than that of pigs raised indoors. In Trial 2 when the
air temperature outdoors was close to optimum, pigs gained 17.2% more weight and
at the end of the trial the average pig weight was 4.79 kg (P = 0.086) higher
than that of pigs raised indoors. Microbiological analysis of the air indicated
that the highest count of microorganisms was determined in the pigsty in both
trials. It was by 1.7 (P = 0.0032) – 2.1 (P = 0.0003) times higher than that
outdoors. Total E. coli bacteria count in the pigsty was also 1.7 (P = 0.077) -
2.1 (P = 0.021) times higher than that outdoors.
Keywords: pigs, climate, open premises, enclosures with solid ground
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. p.
UDK 636.5.083
Vytautas Ribikauskas, Ina Skurdenienė, Audronė Benediktavičiūtė-Kiškienė,
Gediminas Vaičionis
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
Welfare in poultry on farms in regulated by EC Regulations 1274/91 and 788/95
and EC Directive 199/74. Welfare of broilers chickens on farms was estimated by
110 direct and indirect indexes of importance. On the tested farms litter
housing of broilers was applied 50% of broiler chickens in daytime were
inspected no less than 2 times, in all the remaining cases – at least twice
daily. The minimum 10 lux artificial lighting required for the staff to evaluate
the state of birds at any time of the day was registered in 66.7% of all the
tested farm. 16.7% of farms have no artificial lighting or it is insufficient.
"All in – all out" technique is applied in all poultry farms owned by
agricultural or individual enterprises. However, small poultry farms have no
possibilities to apply this technique. Mechanical ventilation capacities are
sufficient to meet hygiene requirements for air changes or microenvironmental
parameters in 90% of the poultry farms owned by agricultural or individual
enterprises. Relative air humidity in autumn months was from 79.0 to 87.7% in
54% of the tested farms and exceeded the optimum (60-70%) standards. Dust
concentration was from 0.03 to 16.4 mg/m3 in the premises for broiler chickens
and replacement pullets. Ammonia concentration exceeded 40 ppm limit in 16.7% of
all tested poultry houses, 20 ppm in 33.3% of farms and did not reach the level
of 10 ppm in all the remaining cases. All the tested farms carry out
disinfection and deratization every year. Attention should be paid to the feet
problems of young birds, ascites, sudden death syndrome and monotonous feeding.
Key words: poultry breeding, welfare, broiler chickens, techniques
ISSN 1392-6144
Animal Husbandry: Scientific Articles. 2006. 48. P.
UDK 636.9.083
Vytautas Ribikauskas , Daiva Ribikauskienė, Birutė Božytė
Institute of Animal Science of LVA,
R. Žebenkos 12, LT-82317 Baisogala, Radviliškis distr., Lithuania
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the microclimate in the
rabbitry and investigate the dependencies between some microclimatic indices. It
was determined that air quality in the rabbitry was optimal. The data from the
trials indicated that concentration of dust particles in outdoor area of
rabbitry was 12.72 mg/m3 (79.7 % of concentration inside); total bacterial count
was 1.39 thous. CFU m-3 (3.5 %); E. colli count 44.23 CFU m-3 (16.9 %); mould
count 1.15 thous. CFU m-3(16.9 %). The study showed that there were different
levels of microbial pollution and other microclimatic indices during the period
of twenty four hours. The highest values were found at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and the
lowest in 9 p.m.
The concentration of moulds in the air of the animal house was related with the
air temperature and humidity.
Keywords: rabbit husbandry, rabbitry, microclimate, indoor bioaerosols, ammonia,
carbon dioxide, airborne microorganisms