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Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.2.084
Petras Bendikas, Liudas Jonaitis
In 2000–2001, of Lithuanian Red calves with 6 animals per group were used in a feeding trial. Calves in all groups were offered hay, silage and compound feed ad libitum and a certain amount of whole milk. Control calves were given 562 kg of whole milk (18 kg of milk protein) and two groups of experimental calves were given 375 and 187 kg of milk and that corresponds, respectively, to 12 and 6 kg of milk protein. The lacking 6 and 12 kg of milk protein were substituted with first meal or fodder yeast protein. Such protein substitution had no significant influence on the growth of calves from birth till 6 months of age. The daily gains of control and experimental calves were, respectively, 755, 791 and 735 g. The price of feeds consumed per one tone of a weight gain was 4434.15 LTL for the control group of calves and, respectively, by 17.3 and 31.4% lower for the two groups of experimental calves.
Key words: calves, milk protein, fish meal and yeast protein, compound feed, growth, feed consumption, economic efficiency.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.598:636.082.474
Sigitas Janušonis, Violeta Razmaitė
The eggs of Lithuanian Vištinės geese laid from April to June on the farm of the Institute of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy were used in this study. Before incubation, physical, morphological and chemical parameters of eggs important for the incubation results were determined. The eggs were put into the incubators "Petushok" according to the strict incubation technique. The analysis of the obtained results indicated that there was a direct relationship between the morphological parameters of the egg quality, also the amount of vitamins in eggs and the development of embryos and quality of baby goslings hatched. In order to foreknow the incubation results, already after 9 to 10 days of egg incubation the eggs may be divided into categories according to the embryo development. The higher in the average category of embryo development, the better incubation results may be expected. When, the air temperature is higher and geese are kept in enclosures without access to some reservoir, the conception rate of eggs becomes lower; the embryo development in the eggs incubated in outdated incubators is directly affected by the temperature.
Key words: egg quality, average category of embryo development, rate of goslings.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636. 4. 082
The work has been fulfilled in the years 2002-2003. It was determined that purebred Lithuanian White pigs are prolific, milk productive and fairly good in fattening, however their carcass traits are worse. According to the data of phenotypic evaluation by ultrasonic apparatus Piglog 105, average lean meat percentage of progeny of this type, being raised in breeding centres in the beginning of the year 2003, reached 51,9%; when of progeny, raised in the stables of control feeding of the State Pig Breeding Station – 50,1%. Namely because of that reason rapid decrease in numerosity of them is in progress, because they are not withstanding the competition of imported pig breeds.
Having a purpose to preserve the base of Lithuanian White pigs in conditions of up-to-date market, its necessary to increase their muscularity no less than by 3-5%. This became especially relevant after introducing EUROP standard for pigs being slaughtered. For more speedy betterment of genetic potential of the population of Lithuanian Whites the most purposeful is to use the boars of English Large White breed. Whereas namely English Large Whites had the biggest influence on nurture of Lithuanian Whites, therefore additional infusion of blood of the above-mentioned breed may be considered as pure breeding. According to prepared schemes of breeding this work has been started in nine breeding centres of purebred Lithuanian White pigs.
Tendency shows itself, that in the breeding centres of purebred Lithuanian Whites more numerous there will remain 4 improved lines of boars and 8 improved families of sows.
Key words: purebred Lithuanian White, English Large White, boar lines, sow families, reproductive, fattening and carcass traits, breeding schemes, selection.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.082:591.3
, , Vidmantas Pileckas, Artūras Šiukščius,
A study was conducted to determine the influence of the size of follicles on oocyte maturation, fertilization and further embryonic development 280 ovaries from 147 cows and 2621 follicles were examined. The study indicated that low diameter follicles (< 3 mm) made up more than a half of the follicle population (57.1%). Follicles of medium size (> 3-6 mm) and large ones (> 6 mm) accounted for, respectively, 28.7 and 4.2%. The quality of oocytes diameter of follicles, i. e. good quality oocytes produced by large, medium and small follicles accounted for, respectively, 55.2, 50.7 and 33.2%.
Oocyte maturation, fertilization and further development of embryos were also dependent on the size of follicles. The lower was the diameter of follicles (> 6, 3-6, < 3 mm), the lower per cent of oocyte maturation (81.5; 77.7; 26.4%), fertilization (60.9; 55.4; 21.1) and embryonic development (0.0; 13.8; 10.4%) was determined.
Oocytes produced by small follicles make up a significant part of ovarian oocytes. Such oocytes may be considered as a supplementary reserve of oocytes to be used with limited success for the production of embryos in vitro.
Key words: bovine oocytes, follicles of low diameter, maturation, fertilization in vitro.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.2.082:591.463.1
Vidmantas Pileckas, , , Artūras Šiukščius,
The most suitable freezing regime for bovine semen is determined by the curve maximum of absolute survival parameters, i. e. the freezing regime is considered to be optimum if its parameter corresponds to the curve maximum and the values of absolute survival parameters on both sides of this point are lower more than 10%. In this case, the maxima of other semen parameters of the same bull are also close to the optimum freezing parameter found.
If the absolute survival curve has no distinct maximum, the trial should be repeated. If it is not possible to determine the maximum after repetition and the curves of the two trials differ in no more than 10%, the optimum regime is determined by analysing the curves of other semen parameters. Consequently, the optimum regime is the one the parameter of which has the highest number of maxima of individual semen parameters. In this case, each parameter should correspond to the instruction, and if the curves of individual semen parameters are highly scattered, then the emphasis should be laid on the parameter to be mostly improved.
Key words: bulls, semen, individual freezing.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.082:591.463.1
Vidmantas Pileckas
The study indicated that lactose (10.5 g) – glycerol (5 cm3) – egg yolk (15 cm3) – sodium citrate (0.2 g) – bidistilled water (100 cm3) semen extender (LGCK) increased the number of spermatozoa with progressive motility, absolute survival rate (S) and viability (r) by, respectively, 20.5, 24.6 and 13.6% (P < 0.05) compared with the control lactose (11.5 g) - glycerol (5 cm3) - egg yolk (30 cm3) - bidistilled water (100 cm3) extender (LGK). Spermosan PPK at a rate of 50.000 and 100.000 a.u. / 100 cm3 increased frozen-thawed sperm motility absolute survival rate (S) and viability (r) by, respectively, 23.1-30.8, 33.3-45.4 and 13.6-19.8% (P < 0.005). When semen was extended using sodium citrate – sodium thiosulfate, the absolute survival rate increased 17.2% (P < 0.005) and viability 40.3% (P < 0.001) in comparison with semen cryopreservation using the LGCK extender, but the post-thaw motility of spermatozoa was 12.5 lower (P < 0.005).
Key words: extenders, sperm, deep-freezing.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.4.082
Violeta Razmaitė
In order to evaluate the efficiency of commercial three-way crossing of pigs when Duroc was used as the intermediate breed, Lithuanian indigenous x Duroc crossbred pigs were sired by Landrace and Pietrain. After the first farrowing and weaning, sows with Lithuanian indigenous x Duroc x Landrace litters and those with Lithuanian indigenous x Duroc x Pietrain litters were sired by, respectively, Pietrain and Landrace for production of the second litter. As a result, the same crossbred (Lithuanian indigenous x Duroc) sows sired by different boars have produced litters with highly different characteristics during their two different farrowings. Sows sired by Landrace for the first letter and by Pietrain for the second litter farrowed, respectively, 2.7% and 1.4% piglets fewer compared with purebred Lithuanian indigenous sows sired by indigenous boars. However, the piglets from crossbred sows were by 0.04 (P < 0.500) and 0.2 kg (P < 0.001) heavier and their growth rate till 2 months of age was higher than that of purebred piglets. The average weight of crossbred piglets at 60 days of age was, respectively, 1.62 (P < 0.200) and 4.56 kg (P < 0.001) higher than that of purebred piglets. Non-white crossbred sows sired by Landrace farrowed only 7.1% of non-white piglets and 2.4% of piglets had pigmental patches, while non-white sows sired by Pietrain farrowed 78.6% of non-white piglets. Almost 32.8-34.1% of three-way crossing piglets inherited the distinctive morphological trait (a pair of wattle) of Lithuanian indigenous pigs.
The average backfat thickness of Lithuanian indigenous x Duroc x Landrace and Lithuanian indigenous x Duroc x Pietrain crossbred pigs was, respectively, 10.18-13.27 mm (P < 0.001) and 5.48-10.89 mm (P < 0.001) lower, and the average side backfat thickness was 5.82-6.1 mm (P < 0.001) and 3.48-4.85 mm (P < 0.005) lower. At the same time, loin lean area was, respectively, 5.5 cm2 (P < 0.001) and 10.19 cm2 (P < 0.001) greater and ham weight 0.98-1.39 kg (P < 0.001) higher compared with purebred Lithuanian indigenous pigs.
Key words: terminal crossbreeding, pigs, carcass, backfat thickness.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 633.39
Antanas Svirskis
Studies of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) collections have been carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture since 1978. During the period of 1998–2001 13 accessions of amaranth and some parameters of amaranth growing technology (sowing time, seed rate, row spacing etc.) were investigated. The amaranth was grown in the six–course perennial grass breeding crop rotation after ploughed – in first year clover, sown after black fallow without additional fertilizing and pesticides.
Preliminary amaranth growing technology was prepared. The highest yield was produced when amaranth had been sown in the middle of May, at a seed rate of 2–4 kg ha–1, with row spacings of 50 cm and thrashed dry after heavy frosts. The technology needs further improvement, especially it is necessary to investigate fertilization of amaranth in ecological and conventional farming systems.
The amaranth varieties ‘Raudonukai’, ‘Geltonukai’ and ‘Rausvukai’ were registered in Lithuania in 2001. It is necessary to continue selection of the amaranth species and varieties best suited for local conditions and investigate possibilities of the use of amaranth green material and seed for food, forage and energy.
Key words: amaranth, varieties, sowing time, seed rate, row spacing, chemical composition.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.4.082:591.1
Artūras Šiukščius, , Vidmanats Pileckas, ,
A trial was conducted to determine the effect of the long-term synthetic gonadotrophin releasing hormone Surfagon on the reproductive traits of pigs. The results from the trial showed the length of estrus and that of static reflex was by, respectively, 18.4 and 12.8 h longer after injection of long-term Surfagon. Also, after surfagon injection high level of estradiol was found in both experimental groups and amounted to, respectively, from 85.7 ± 1.32 to 87.7 ± 2.33 pmol / l of blood plasma. These values were by 2.1 times higher compared with the control group.
Histological study indicated that the ovaries of pigs that had Surfagon injections twice were dominated by overgrowth of primordial and secondary follicles into connective tissue (obliteration). More distinct pathological changes were observed in the ovaries of pigs that were injected with Surfagon three times. In this group decadence of primordial and secondary follicles and prosperity of the connective tissue were found.
Key words: gilts, hormones, ovary, histological study, reproduction oestrus.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 614.9
A study to determine the chemical qualities, bactericidal effect and stability of electrochemically activated neutral anolyte (ANK) was conducted at the Institute of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. The activity of electrochemically activated anolyte is long enough to perform disinfection. During the trials, neutral anolyte, containing from 115 mg l-1 of active chlorine, was stored in the dark at different ambient temperatures. The concentrations of active chlorine in solutions, containing from 115 mg l-1 of active chlorine, stored at different ambient temperatures (10±20C; 22±20C; 28±20C), were reduced daily by 0.58 mg l-1, 0.95 mg l-1 and 1.22 mg l-1.The concentrations of active chlorine in solutions, containing from 350 mg l-1 of active chlorine, stored at different ambient temperatures (10±20C; 22±20C; 28±20C), were reduced daily by 2.01 mg l-1, 2.40 mg l-1 and 3.04 mg l-1.The solution of neutral anolyte ANK, containing no less than 140 mg l-1 of active chlorine, when used for moist disinfection had a complete disinfecting effect on Salmonella enteritidis, Staphylococcus sepsis and mixed barn microflora after 2 h exposure, whereas, a sufficient disinfecting effect could be noticed already in 10 minutes time provided there were no inhibitory matters in the environment. Thus, this disinfecting solution in suitable for bacterial treatment of animals, agricultural implements and surfaces by dipping. However, single aerosol disinfection of facilities with neutral anolyte ANK, containing as much as 400 mg l-1 of active chlorine, was not sufficiently efficient.
Key words: neutral anolyte, disinfecting, active chlorine, sterilizing solution.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.3.082
At the beginning of 2003, the number of sheep in Lithuania amounted to 13,600. The number of sheep breeders was 1615. At present, the number of sheep is increasing significantly and it soon might reach 20,000 head. Lithuanian Blackface (8000), Romanov (2000) and various crossbred sheep (3000) make up the largest number. Meanwhile, there are only about 1000 Precoce, 300 Suffolk, 200 Ostfriesian, 200 purebred local coarsewooled, 100 Berrichon du Cher, 50 German Blackface, 30 Texel, 10 German merino (merinolandschaf) and 10 Dorper sheep. Thus, there are already 11 sheep breeds raised in Lithuania, and the farmers are planning to import still more breeds. Therefore, the programme for the use of sheep breeds bred in and imported to Lithuania has been prepared with the emphasis on the development of mutton sheep farms, purposeful use of the imported sheep breeds, improvement of the genetic potential of local sheep and further development of mutton sheep breeding. At the sheep breeding centres and breeding flocks, sheep improvement should be carried out with rams of the same productivity trend and with the same exterior traits. Currently, it is recommended to improve Lithuanian Blackface sheep with German Blackface and Suffolk rams, Precoce sheep with German merino and Berrichon du Cher rams and cross local sheep with Texel rams.
Keywords: sheep breeds, Lithuanian Blackface, local coarsewooled, Precoce, Suffolk, Ostfriesian, Berrichon du Cher, German Blackface, Texel, Merino, Dorper and Romanov sheep breeds.
Animal Husbandry. Scientific Articles, 2003, 43, p.
UDK 636.3.083.084
Growth of Lithuanian native coarsewooled male lambs
under different housing and feeding conditions
In 2003, the trials were carried out in the conservation herd of native coarsewooled sheep belonging to the Institute of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. The growth rate of male lambs (n=14) under different feeding (fattening vs. adequate feeding) and housing (group vs. individual) conditions has been studied for the first time. The trial results indicated that lambs (n=5) fattened in group gained 12.86 kg and those (n=5) fattened individually 11.15 kg in 60 days. The daily gain of individually fattened lambs was 46.6 g (20.6%) lower than that of group fattening lambs. Though the consumption of feeds by individually fattened lambs was by 20% lower, but the cost price of feeds per kg gain was by 0.04 LTL (3%) higher compared with group fattening.
The analysis of the differences in weight and daily gain between male lambs that were fattened or fed adequately indicated that the lambs with the lower weight at birth (35 g or 10.3%) - P < 0,025, 20 days (96 g or 12.8%) and 60 days of age (4.84 kg or 32.2%) - P < 0.01, after 45 days of fattening have caught up and later outrun the lambs that were larger in size and gained weight faster at adequate feeding but not fattening. Though fattening lasted for 2.5 months (from 2.0 to 4.5 months of age), yet the fattened lambs had higher weight gains for 2 more months under adequate feeding till 6.5 months of age. The daily gain of these lambs was 25-60 g (15-28%) higher than that of lambs fed adequately yet never fattened.
Key words: local male lambs, fattening and adequate feeding, individual and group housing, daily gain, feed conversion.